Banging Away (As it were)

Hello to you

I hope you’re having some slower calmer Autumnal days and find you’re able to say no when you need to.  Look after yourself my lovely chum.

As you may know, one thing I always say no to is Fireworks night. I’m sure some fellow introverts will be with me on this – a night with large crowds, big bangs, fires, all that noise is a hard no for me. I would need a morning in bed to recover. I’ll make my own kind of fireworks (not a euphemism).

I might watch them from my window or on the telly or more likely have a little fire pit with a hot chocolate and a couple of friends. Perfection.

Though, as an aside, I will not entertain a toffee apple – absolutely not. I say, either have some sweets or have some fruit – please don’t combine two lovely treats into something strangely and surprisingly not delicious that might pull all your teeth out. It’s fruit out of context. What next – Pineapple Pasta?!

Back to the point - it feels so good to know yourself well enough to know when you would do yourself and your friends a disservice for not saying no.
Especially take care if you’re a Christmas lover like me – conserve your energy for the big month so we can ding and dong merrily on high with all our Miranda Shop Christmas goodies. See you then. For now, enjoy the bangs of November (again, not a euphemism).
Love oo
Miranda x