Hello to you and welcome to our Miranda Family aka Miramily page. 

We love and value you hugely. We value you, not just because you’re a lovely loyal shop supporter, but because you’re a uniquely skilled and beautiful person and we and the world needs you and wish you to flourish.

So please feel fully welcomed and loved here at the Miramily page where there will be news, updates from me and lovely photos of you.

Love oo,


Best Friends!

Hello dear Miramily

Best friendships always makes me think of one of the favourite things I used to love to do in my sitcom...


Look Up And Notice

Hello my lovely chums.

I have recently been reminding myself to go slow and look up and notice. So I thought I would share that with you...


World Laughter Day!

Hello to you my lovelies!

As we get deeper into Spring I hope you are blooming. Or feel like you’re blooming in some areas of life...