World Laughter Day!
Hello to you my lovelies!
As we get deeper into Spring I hope you are blooming. Or feel like you’re blooming in some areas of life – no perfectionism on my watch please. Remember - we’re always going to be masterpieces in the making. And hurrah for that because I’m done with the pressure to be anything other than a wonderful, wonky, work in progress ‘til the day I die!
That notion is just so freeing isn’t it? Yes, we can change and grow in ways we want to and that align with our values, but knowing we are loved and accepted without ever needing to perfect is just so joyful.
And today happens to be World Laughter Day, so it’s time to focus on the joy as we always like to remind you to do. Did you know that even fake smiling or laughing gives your brain and body a boost? The brain doesn’t know the difference between a fake or a real smile so in this case we can fake it until we make it. If ever I have got into a negative space I often wonder around the house going “ho ho ho, ha ha ha, he he he” and sometimes it turns into a real laugh. Even if it doesn’t it always helps, however mad that may sound! Give it a go.
Adults don’t giggle or laugh enough and I think it’s worth doing anything we can to right that wrong.